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The government should enforce strict laws on destruction of the environment

I think climate change is about change in seasons and elements of weather like the rainy and sunny seasons with effects like, Floods e.g. in Butalejja, Displacement of people and their animals, Drought and famine like in Teso and Karamoja region, and Disease outbreak like malaria due to rain because mosquitoes mostly lay eggs during rainy season.

I believe, Climate change and environmental destruction are caused by; Deforestation, Swamp reclamation, gasses from industries and burning plastics. Which need to stop.

If strict laws on swamp reclamation are enforced, teaching about the dangers and outcomes of destroying the environment is done, the environment can be good and healthy. In my capacity, I can Plant trees, teach my friends about the dangers of deforestation to create a good environment. However,

Cyrus Emenyu | 14 Years | Uganda
Cyrus Emenyu | 14 Years | Uganda

The government should enforce strict laws on destruction of the environment, Advocate for good farming methods to avoid destruction of wetlands, and Supply free trees for planting. Like mango tree and oranges which give food and protect the environment.

This is my pledge,

And This is y green Voice!

Cyrus Emenyu | 14 Years | Uganda

Primary seven Student

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